When Do I Hire a Service Provider VS a Coach? (We Have Some Thoughts)
It’s the age-old online business industry question that people don’t seem to ask enough of: who is the next person you should have in your corner when it comes to owning, and running, a business?
We tend to get presented with two parallel but still different routes: service provider or coach?
We’ll admit — it’s not easy to know when you need someone to do something for you or just someone to guide you in what to do and then possibly executing that on your own.
You might look at a lot of service providers and the value they have to offer, but then change your mind because those business coach services also seem pretty helpful.
You’re not wrong! And that’s the tough part.
Before we dive into this, we want to offer our definition of coaches and service providers.
What is a coach?
Coaches generally help unlock potential in a person or group of people. They can hold space for your process, help you learn over teaching you or doing something for you, and be there for accountability.
Upsides if they’re cool:
They can really hold space for your process without project deadline pressure.
If you’re having trouble with direction, they can be that collaborator and teammate in testing.
Ideally, they help you strengthen your internal discernment skills so you can continue in business with autonomy and self-trust.
Downsides that can occur:
If they aren’t holding trauma-informed space, they can bypass systems of oppression that disrupt our process and lean on resilience.
They can give you a lot of ideas and possibilities that can leave you feeling overwhelmed because they haven’t considered time or financial privilege.
They can default to directions and trends that are working in the industry, not necessarily what feels good to you.
Types of Coaches: Business, Marketing, Life, etc
What is a Service Provider?
Service Providers are subject matter experts in what they do, but not in you or your business. They can hold space for your process, co-create ways to execute your ideas, and do the tasks to carry through that work alongside you. They generally take direction from you around your business and offer direction for you in their area of experience.
Upsides if they’re cool:
They honor your vision and boundaries, and execute ideas with you to get you closer to it.
They clarify key elements in their area of experience so you feel relieved and confident in that work/direction.
Together, you co-create something, or results, that you didn’t even realize was possible for your business.
Downsides that can occur:
They have a scope that must be honored, and are not a catch-all for your business. (this isn’t necessarily a con, but a truth that must be held)
They can focus too heavily on industry standards when you’re not into that direction or idea.
They can overdeliver and overwhelm or underdeliver and underwhelm if the expectations aren’t set from the beginning between the client and service provider. (This is not a blame game, but something that often happens!)
Types of Service Providers: Graphic Designer, Copywriter, Marketer, Project Manager, Podcast Manager, Web Developer, etc
Quick note: For what it’s worth, some service-providers will also hold-space like a coach and have a more hybrid approach. Coaches, typically, do not execute work for you at all. And if you have the budget for both, that can be helpful too.
So, when we’re (unfortunately) strapped for cash and time as a new business owner, we’re usually a little more limited on how we can spend your money. In an ideal world, we’d spring for both… but what to do when we only have room for one?
Full transparency, we have hired both business coaches and service providers (and still have both in our corner). Thus, we can assure you that not every situation is the same, so we want to talk about some scenarios that could help you discern whether to hire a coach or a service provider (or both).
The short version:
Do you want more ideas or information without task-driven support executing them? (a.k.a. The other person doing the thing with/for you)
Yes, I want ideas and help building a direction - Coach
No, I have the ideas and direction, I need help doing it - Service-provider
Do you want someone in more of a consulting support role or do you feel ready to delegate work as a support system?
Consulting Support - Coach
Delegation Support - Service Provider
Do you feel grounded in your business concept and foundation? Even if it changes, as it should, the foundation remains strong. (For example: Who you’re helping is clear, your brand messaging is consistent, what you offer feels good to you and works for your clients)
No, not yet - Coach
Yes, I’m there - Service Provider
The longer (but worth the read) version:
Business coaching:
Don’t worry, we’re not here to knock on either option, even if sometimes people are skeptical of business coaches. They actually do work — if they suit you and honor all of you, not just what worked for them and the highly privileged industry they’re in.
The coaching industry has blown up recently, but even if it may sometimes seem like a trend, we still definitely see the value. (After all, I played basketball through college and know the huge impact of coaches guiding you through whatever journey you’re on.) Coaches usually have solid advice and an objective, a fresh set of eyes that can ascertain the methods you’re already using.
And often, they can also help you if you have a bunch of limiting beliefs that are preventing you from being as strategic as you want. As long as they aren’t doing so in a way that ignores things like systems of oppression, mental health, financial reality (CAPITALISM!), etc.
Reasons to hire a coach can often include:
You’re just starting and you want to solidify your ideas with support from someone who will honor your process.
You’re confused about which direction to go in and want someone who can help you workshop your ideas more and give you more confidence.
You’ve been in business for a while and things are working, but you’re feeling some next level challenges coming and a group of like-minded people with guidance from a coach would open up your ability to navigate new business horizons.
When considering hiring a coach, ask yourself:
Am I longing for someone to ask me guiding questions to seek the answers within me?
Do I have the capacity to execute on the advice myself?
Am I open to having gentle but realistic criticism of how I currently do things?
Do I need more help with my mindset than taking action?
But with that said… we’ve noticed clients hiring business coaches and finding themselves with even more on their plate. Ideas are great! But when we’re busy, and have varying capacities (full-time job, children, experience disabilities, experience highs and lows of mental health, etc), how do we do everything in our business without getting even more overwhelmed? And is someone coaching us what we need if we can’t even execute on all of their great input?
Sometimes, we find people asking us if we think a coach would be a good fit for them, while also voicing hesitation and overwhelm that they don’t want to be the one to implement a certain aspect of running their business and thus would be better off with a service provider.
That’s when you should consider asking: do we need someone to just help us do it?
Enter: the other option...
Service Provider:
Let’s face it — oftentimes the advice you get makes you realize you still haven’t solved the problem of actually doing it. Because actually doing your own social media engagement, newsletter, website updates, etc. can be difficult and simply something you don’t want to spend your time on…
And sometimes, you have to plan a little first to actually incorporate a coach’s input. Or you’ve done the planning work and you’re ready to GO. If you are grounded in your business concept and direction, service providers can be gamechanger for your business.
In those moments, consider a service provider instead to help you kick start your momentum. Sometimes you just need someone to help you knock out the copy you’re looking for etc. before you can capitalize on the next step in expanding your business.
Reasons to hire a service provider can be:
You’ve laid out your business basics: who you help, what you offer, and the process, and you are ready to get leads in the door through help with creating a website, converting copywriting, content, and marketing.
You want to try some things out before bringing on a more wide-scale strategist and just want them out of the way because you don’t have the capacity.
Your client work is making it next to impossible to market your own business in a sustainable way. For example, not having to scramble to launch every 3 months because your marketing is working while you do your thing.
And on the other hand, here are some questions to ask yourself when considering hiring a service provider:
Am I too overwhelmed with all that needs to be done to tackle it myself?
Would I rather have someone else get me started with a service so I can start selling with that done?
Am I going to get some time back if I just pay someone to do this for me?
Can I let myself trust myself enough to take action on this one thing and go from there?
At the end of the day, you really can’t go wrong as long as you make a choice that aligns with your needs. And the first step before you hire either? Reflect and review your current business.
The answer could be either option! There isn’t a right or wrong order to do this in. Just make sure whatever choice you make feels right for you.
Because no matter what any coach or service provider or blog post is telling you, in the end YOU know what’s best for your business.
And trust your ability to critically think and make your own decisions. Heck, if you make the “wrong” one, there’s always a way to remedy it. There are no “wrong” routes in business, just routes that teach us things we didn’t know before in unique ways.
Every opportunity is a learning opportunity. And both a business coach and service provider can teach you lots.
Here at Unsocially Inclined, we hybrid our approach to hold space for our client’s process and execute the work with them. And if you feel called, we’d love to help you do the things in your business so you can go forth and sell your offers without doing the most.