I strive to align my actions & business with the values I hold.
That starts with being clear on exactly what those values are. Through imperfect action and openness to feedback, I strive to…
Actively engage in anti-racism and the dismantling of white supremacy.
Practice intersectional feminism in all relationships and speaking out in the face of white feminism that is either not intersectional and trans-exclusionary radical feminism.
Support the spectrum of gender and sexuality in my marketing, copywriting, and client experience.
Create inclusive spaces and copywriting that honors the humanity and lived experiences of everyone in it, while also recognizing one’s privilege.
Align investments with my values by divesting from brands and people with harmful practices and investing in diverse and equitable communities with my money, time, and energy.
Have a human-centered and holistic approach to business and marketing, and not sell a one-size-fits-all strategy that doesn’t recognize one’s unique social location.
Continue to be trained in and practice trauma-informed space holding.
Reduce harm by crafting messaging and copy that doesn’t manipulate and shame, but instead is aware of challenges and shows the possibility of the investment.
Always be clear that I will accept impact over the intention, always choose people over capitalism, and always be open to conversation, but never compromise, with clients regarding the following:
Racial equity
Dismantling white supremacy
Intersectional feminism, environmentalism, and animal liberation
Indigenous Rights to their land
Immigrant rights
Equal rights for the queer and LBTQIA+ community
Abolishing the police and ICE
Building an ethical and equitable economy to the best of our ability (ethical consumption under capitalism? Still figuring it out.)
I am not perfect and will not subscribe to the white supremacy delusion of perfection. But as the founder of this company, I do subscribe to doing more than recognizing the destructive legacy of my ancestors and actively trying to dismantle what they built on the backs of others, which still oppresses people to this day.
It's important to me to always take responsibility when I fall short and to collaborate with people who align with equitable rights for all. I don't expect clients to see eye-to-eye on every detail of how these issues get sorted, but I work with those who agree that they are issues that need to be addressed and are willing to explore their place in systems that uphold them.
I hope you agree and are down for this lifelong journey.
If so, we might be a good fit.
XO Monica