Why your business will move in seasons.
It’s not always summer… and not always winter!
The biggest part of running a business is about taking a breath. And we’re sure we’re not the first ones to tell you.
But just as we, as humans, must breathe in… and also breathe out… your business does the same. It runs on cyclical time.
In nature, the seasons do too. Summer is about letting all your energy out, focusing on the outer growth and bloom, the release, while winter is about taking it all in, focusing on rescinding the inner growth, and keeping it in ‘til it’s ready to go back out.
At the end of the day, it can be exhausting.
Sometimes you might wish you had more energy to do all the things, but you simply don’t. And then you have to accept that you have to push back deadlines, take a lower-paying month, and reflect on what’s going on. Us too!
Running a business is a high-intensity sport, and we’ve always known that.
Consider though… It is a marathon, not a sprint. It can’t always be summer, but it isn't always winter either.
If you stay ‘in a slump’ for a while, as you fear? That’s fine. That’s normal! It’s unnatural for that to be the case forever and it’s unnatural for you to be on a high forever.
A big theme we’ve been hearing about from many of our resident sociologists, astrologers, etc. is that this year, 2022, will be a time for us to really let ourselves take it easy. Whatever way that’s available for us (grrrr, capitalism).
Intentional, grounded, reflective action will move you forward at the pace that you’re meant to take.
So don’t lose heart when you have a slow month. Don’t try to anxiously search for a quick fix.
It’s okay when it’s winter. Even we have our off days. Seriously, this shit is hard sometimes!
Often, the key is to find a way to ask for help, be clear on what the issue really is, and consider solutions that won’t drain you when you’re feeling low energy.
These crucial periods will help you catapult and “make up” for “lost time”, as we tend to project and fear we’re wasting.
We ask — what if life and business could feel more effortless because we were properly recharging?
Here at Unsocially Inclined, we remind people all the time that your business will move in seasons, and it can only feel like something is “wrong” because you weren’t conditioned to associate things as seasonal. Don’t get bogged down by the periods of rest.
The rest is what will make you understand the action time more. You WILL sow when you reap during those times.
And when you’re laying marketing foundations that feel for not, those seeds you’re planting will bloom, or reveal that they don’t grow in certain conditions.
Just like winter won’t last forever, and it won’t always be summer either — seasons of business/life are also cyclical.
Want to know more about how that might work for you? Check out the Leadership Design Quiz!
The designs help identify the behavioral patterns you have a tendency towards and how you can respond better to situations you do not like being in with less burnout or feeling like you’re doing it “wrong”! They’re a way to see your natural strengths and how to leverage them to also do the things you don’t want to do — and receive validation that it’s perfectly normal to not want to do everything!